UMPD Training

Training is essential for our department.  Training keeps our employees up to date with current policy and requirements.  Training gives the opportunity to stay in front of national trends and issues affecting our community and profession.  We are committed to ensuring our employees are trained at and above mandated requirements.  We have and continue to develop important partnerships with experts in different disciplines to deliver excellent training to our employees.  We value ongoing development of our employees.

POST Board Requirements


Mental Health Awareness

In 2018, the department started its partnership with People Incorporated.  People Incorporated provides training on Mental Health Awareness and Trauma Informed Response.

Fair and Impartial Policing

The department works with Fair and Impartial Policing LLC to offer regular training in implicit bias.  All new officers receive training during their orientations.  On going training is regularly scheduled to meet or exceed MN POST Board learning objectives.

The Fair and Impartial Policing© training curriculum applies the modern science of bias to public safety; it trains officers on the effect of implicit bias and gives them the information and skills they need to reduce and manage their biases. The curricula address, not just racial/ethnic bias, but biases based on other factors, such as gender, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status and so forth. The curricula address various biases and their implications for law enforcement, including implicit associations, attentional bias, confirmation bias, and we/they bias and dehumanization.

These curricula are founded on the following fundamental principles:

  • All people, even well-intentioned people, have biases
  • Having biases is normal to human functioning
  • Biases are often unconscious or “implicit,” thus influencing choices and actions without conscious thinking or decision-making
  • Actions based on biases or stereotypes are unsafe, ineffective and unjust.
  • Fairness and impartiality are the cornerstones of procedural justice and important for the achievement of agency legitimacy.
  • Officers can learn skills to reduce and manage their own biases.
  • Supervisors can learn skills to identify biased behavior in their direct reports and take corrective actions when they detect biased decision-making

Use of Force Training

Frequency: Officers must meet all MN POST Board In-Service Use of Force Learning Objectives annually.

UMPD has instructors training to teach Defensive Tactics, Firearms, and De Escalation.

Officers participate in the following training:

New Officer Use of Force and De Escalation

New Officer Firearms Training

Annual qualifications

  • Firearms
  • Defensive Tactics
  • Less Lethal force options
  • Use of Force Policy Review and Test
  • PATROL Online Use of Force Modules

Additional training on Use of Force

  • Scenario Training
  • Active threat response

Annual Public Safety Exercise

Training with our public safety and university partners provides an unique opportunity for learning and improving response to campus.  Each year, the Department of Public Safety, holds a scenario training event with our partners.  Past training events have included the Minneapolis Fire Department, Hennepin County EMS, FBI, University Health and Safety, Department of Emergency Management and University Relations.  

This scenario training is held on campus in partnership with different university departments. Departments provide space and participants for the training.  These partnerships allow our public safety partners to learn about our University spaces and community.  This gives our department partners and opportunity to work with us and meet representatives from our many public safety partners.


PATROL is a Web-based, on-demand training program that enables officers to meet a number of annual classroom training requirements. The program provides up to 40 Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) credits if individuals complete all sessions, while fulfilling seven Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) training standards and classroom requirements for use of force.

PATROL is designed to address training needs of law enforcement within the state.It is sponsored by the Minnesota Sheriffs’ Association, Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association, Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust and League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust.

Courses are specific to Minnesota laws and safety standards, and include:

  • Annual requirements:
    • Use of force classroom training (legal issues, deadly force and readiness aspects)
    • Crisis Intervention
    • Conflict Management
    • Community diversity
    • Blood borne pathogens
    • Hazardous materials awareness
    • Hearing conservation
    • Personal protective equipment
    • Portable fire extinguishers
    • Respiratory protection for law enforcement
    • Annual legislative update
    • Hot topics in law enforcement
  • Case law explanations
  • Professionalism