State and federal law requires the University of Minnesota Police Department to advise the University community of the release or residence of such predatory sex offenders in our community. Accordingly, listed below are those predatory sex offenders who have notified the State of Minnesota that they are attending classes or employed at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus. These individuals are not wanted by law enforcement at this time and have served the sentence imposed upon them by the court. The use of this information to threaten, harass, or intimidate such individuals may be a crime and will not be tolerated.
About this reporting process
Certain felony level sex and other predatory offenders are required by law to keep law enforcement agencies apprised of their current residence, employment, and school address, as well as any changes to that information. Some of these offenders have demonstrated by their past behavior that they are part of a group who pose the greatest risk to the public when released. This does not mean that they will commit a new crime, just that they are part of a group of persons who might.
State and federal law requires UMPD to advise the University community of the release or residence of such predatory offenders in our community. Any such predatory/sexual offenders that are attending classes or are employed at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities can be found on this page.
These individuals are not wanted by law enforcement at this time and have served the sentence imposed upon them by the court. The use of this information to threaten, harass, or intimidate such individuals may be a crime and will not be tolerated.
The website does not contain information regarding predatory sex offenders who live or work near, but not on, University of Minnesota property. A list of such offenders may be found on the Minnesota Department of Corrections website.